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单词 abstract
释义  Related topics: Visualab·stract1 /ˈæbstrækt/ ●●○ AWL adjective  1  REAL/NOT IMAGINARYbased on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events 纯理论的,纯概念的,抽象的 SYN theoreticalabstract idea/concept etc the ability to translate abstract ideas into words 将抽象概念转换成文字的能力 By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms. 儿童到了七岁就具有抽象思维的能力。 Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought (=thinking about ideas). 人类是唯一具有抽象思维能力的动物。 →4  See picture of 见图 PAINTING2  REAL/NOT IMAGINARYexisting only as an idea or quality rather than as something real that you can see or touch 抽象的,无形的 OPP concrete the abstract nature of beauty 美的抽象本质3. AVabstract paintings, designs etc consist of shapes and patterns that do not look like real people or things 〔画、设计等〕抽象(派)的 → abstract nounExamples from the Corpusabstract• They begin by challenging the current opinion that all peoples share basic functions of the mind such as logical and abstract abilities.• A lot of people don't like abstract art.• It's an abstract design that's supposed to represent freedom and strength.• The abstract graffiti of Aaron Siskind was done first by Weston.• Gorbachev took the abstract idea of reform and made it a reality.• You have already been allowed to enter an abstract model of Pool.• Nature is the setting but abstract nature; feeling, not representation.• a new exhibition of abstract paintings• The photographs put a human face on an abstract political event.• In this book, therefore, attention is concentrated on relations of the more abstract sort.• But vibrant is such an abstract term that it can not be used to describe what to look for in a dough.• To be understood, avoid abstract terms.• By the age of about seven, children are capable of abstract thought.• By about 1930 she had ceased painting, though for several more years she made small, colourful, increasingly abstract water-colours.abstract idea/concept etc• In the Introduction to the Principles, Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas.• The Bible is no academic tome with an esoteric appeal to those with scholarly minds who can handle abstract concepts.• We frequently telephone asking him to illustrate some obscure or abstract concept.• Words are only essential to put across more abstract concepts and intellectual ideas.• As we shall see, there are problems inherent in trying to give shape to such an abstract concept as political culture.• Are they planned in terms of transforming abstract ideas or theories into useful learning experiences?• As she gets older; she may have difficulty comprehending abstract concepts that are communicated through what she hears.• Political culture is a vague abstract concept that has been subject to various definitions.Related topics: Painting and drawing, Newspapers, printing, publishingabstract2 ●○○ AWL noun [countable]  1. AVPa painting, design etc which contains shapes or images that do not look like real things or people 抽象画;抽象派作品 →5 see picture at 见图 painting2. TCNa short written statement containing only the most important ideas in a speech, article etc 摘要,概要3  in the abstract REAL/NOT IMAGINARYconsidered in a general way rather than being based on specific details and examples 抽象地,概括地,从理论上说 Talking about crime in the abstract just isn’t enough. 抽象地谈论犯罪根本不足以说明问题。Examples from the Corpusabstract• A call for papers has been issued and abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible.• A call for papers has been issued and the deadline for abstracts is 4 May 1992.• He came and stood beside me and picked out one of the new abstracts I'd done at home.• But religion does not reside in theological abstracts.• Even with abstracts, the theme was, more often than not a Biblical one.ab·stract3 /əbˈstrækt, æb-/ AWL verb [transitive]  1. WRITEto write a document containing the most important ideas or points from a speech, article etc 写…的摘要2. formal to remove something from somewhere 抽取,提取;使分离→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusabstract• His movements were slow, his gaze abstracted, as if he were composing a poem in his head.• Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.• It has art's power to translate, to abstract from the circumstances in which it originates.• Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.• Whatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster.• At all levels past the rudimentary, strategies for abstracting meaning from text and imparting meaning into text count for nearly everything.From Longman Business Dictionaryabstractab‧stract /ˈæbstrækt/ noun [countable] a short written statement that contains the most important details of a longer piece of writing such as a newspaper article, a report, or a speechan abstract of the Chairman’s speech to the shareholdersOrigin abstract1 (1300-1400) Latin past participle of abstrahere, from abs- “away” + trahere “to pull”ab·stract1 adjectiveabstract2 nounab·stract3 verbChineseSyllable  ideas general or rather on principles Corpus based Business




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