

单词 abundance
释义  a·bun·dance /əˈbʌndəns/ ●○○ noun [singular, uncountable]  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa large quantity of something 充裕,丰富abundance of an abundance of wavy red hair 浓密的红色鬈发in abundance One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit. 该队的一大特点是斗志昂扬。Examples from the Corpusabundance• The Bordeaux exhibition goes all out for an abundance of images.• It is 40 percent more expensive than coal, and there is an abundance of alternative energy sources.• Optimists point out that there is an abundance of good news.• It describes the lushness and abundance of the coming millennium.• Both are characteristics the Tiphook chairman has in abundance.• It can offer you just about everything you can think of by day and by night, in abundance.• The sheer abundance of lawyers tends to promote excessive litigation.• The focus today is not the predicted disappearance of order but the abundance of it throughout the natural world.abundance of• There is an abundance of fresh vegetables available.a·bun·dance nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of something large a quantity




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