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单词 acceptance
释义 Word family  noun acceptance adjective acceptable ≠ unacceptable accepted verb accept adverb acceptably ≠ unacceptably  ac·cept·ance /əkˈseptəns/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]AGREE when you officially agree to take something that you have been offered 正式接受acceptance of the formal acceptance of an invitation 正式接受邀请 He wrote a letter of acceptance (=a letter in which you agree to accept a job, university place etc) to the university. 他给那所大学写了一封接受函。2  [singular, uncountable]BELIEVE when people agree that an idea, statement, explanation etc is right or true 接受,赞同,赞成,认可acceptance of the acceptance of Einstein’s theory 对爱因斯坦理论的认同acceptance that There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do. 父亲和母亲一样能照顾好孩子的观点尚未得到普遍接受。gain/find acceptance This management style gained acceptance in the 1980s. 这种管理模式在20世纪80年代得到了认可。3  [uncountable]ACCEPT the ability to accept an unpleasant situation which cannot be changed, without getting angry or upset about it 〔对无法改变之事的〕承受acceptance of By the end of the trial, Nicolas moved towards acceptance of his fate. 审判结束时,尼古拉斯慢慢接受了自己的命运。4  [uncountable]ACCEPT the process of allowing someone to become part of a group or a society and of treating them in the same way as the other members 〔群体或社会对某人的〕接纳 Acceptance by their peer group is important to most youngsters. 对大多数年轻人来说,为同辈所接纳是很重要的。Examples from the Corpusacceptance• Realism signifies a love, or at least an acceptance, of diversity.• A part of me still longs for my father's approval and acceptance.• Students often have a good idea of what scores they need on college-entrance exams to earn acceptance letters and scholarships.• Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.• Still, general acceptance was slow in coming.• Jinnah was now free to cancel his acceptance of the scheme.• The plan enhanced Chapman's fame in the football world generally, but it was too radical to win immediate acceptance.• Upper management's acceptance of the marketing plan is crucial.• Now it looks as though its indifference may turn to acceptance.• By the end of the story, Nicholas has moved toward acceptance of his fate.acceptance of• Russia's acceptance of economic aid from Western countries will speed up recovery.acceptance that• With peace and security and acceptance that had no limit.• This would entail acceptance that such crises are an integral condition of the existence of liberalised capital markets.• It was not until 1838 that there was general acceptance that the two diseases were distinct.• Meanwhile there is increasing acceptance that the task of representing a constituency can fairly be considered to constitute a full-time job.• But they ignored the unthinking acceptance that Jeffries enjoyed among a far wider circle of students.From Longman Business Dictionaryacceptanceac‧cept‧ance /əkˈseptəns/ noun1[uncountable] taking or agreeing to take something offeredIndonesia’s acceptance of aid from western countries2[uncountable] when someone accepts a plan, idea, agreement etcA judge can force acceptance of a bankruptcy plan.3COMMERCE [uncountable] when a buyer agrees to take goods from a seller and must therefore pay for them4[uncountable]MARKETING the willingness of people to buy a product, especially a new or changed productThe company’s earnings have fallen in the last four years owing to poor acceptance of new products.The key issue driving consumer acceptance of this technology is pricing.5[countable]FINANCE in a takeover, agreement by individual shareholders to the offerThe takeover offer has received acceptances from shareholders representing 160 million shares.6[countable, uncountable]BANKING agreement to pay a BILL OF EXCHANGE, the words on a bill showing this agreement, or the accepted bill itselfBankers’ acceptances require actual certificates to be delivered the same day. → partial acceptanceac·cept·ance nounChineseSyllable  take Corpus something to Business officially you when agree




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