

单词 access
释义 Word family  noun access accessibility ≠ inaccessibility adjective accessible ≠ inaccessible verb access adverb accessibly ≠ inaccessibly  Related topics: Lawac·cess1 /ˈækses/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun [uncountable]  1  ENTERthe right to enter a place, use something, see someone etc 进入权;使用权;接触的机会access to Access to the papers is restricted to senior management. 只有高级管理层才有权查阅这些文件。 Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water. 应该让猫总能喝到新鲜、干净的水。2  ENTERhow easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building, to reach a place, or talk to someone 进入;到达;面见〔的难易度〕access for We’re trying to improve access for disabled visitors. 我们正在设法给残障访客的出入提供便利。access to a villa with easy access to the sea 一幢离大海很近的别墅3  ENTERthe way you use to enter a building or reach a place 入口;通路 Access is by means of a small door on the right. 入口是右边的一扇小门。access to Access to the restrooms is through the foyer. 去洗手间要穿过门厅。4. have access to a car/computer etc AVAILABLEto have a car, a computer etc that you can use 有汽车/计算机等可以使用5  SCL British English the legal right to see and spend time with your children, a prisoner, an official etc 探视权 My ex-husband has access to the children once a week. 我的前夫有权每周探望孩子一次。6  gain/get access (to something) ENTERto succeed in entering a place or in seeing someone or something 进入〔某地〕;见到〔某人或某物〕 The police managed to gain access through an upstairs window. 警察设法从楼上的一扇窗户进入了屋子。Examples from the Corpusaccess• The disk is not allowed access until it has been validated with the Disknet check program.• More than 60 companies have bid for access.• The entrance has been widened to give improved access for disabled people.• The service also offers access to the products and services of important Journal advertisers.• The therapist thought Mary appeared to benefit from these telephone contacts and had not abused the availability of open access.• City officials are considering building a path to give the public access to the ruins.• His reputation, along with luck and chutzpah, helped him get unique access to Ames.• Without access to specific facts a criminal prosecution may be totally frustrated.access to• Access to the restrooms is through the foyer.• Many are jealous of Wright's political access to the President.access for• The hotel has rooms with access for wheelchairs.Related topics: Computersaccess2 ●●○ AWL verb [transitive]  TDto find information, especially on a computer 存取,获取〔尤指计算机数据〕 Users can access their voice mail remotely. 用户可以远程获取语音邮件。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaccess• The balcony is accessed by a spiral staircase from the bar.• The low wing design makes refuelling, fuel drains, and control linkages easy to access during the pre-flight inspection.• We don't want minors accessing pornography on the Internet.• Many queries can be answered by simply accessing the index.• Note that you may only access the oldest 16 mail messages.• The library's database can be accessed via workstations in the reference room.• Many kinds of locks are available to prevent people from accessing your computer hard drive.nAccess trademark  na former type of credit card in the UK which is now known as MastercardFrom Longman Business Dictionaryaccessac‧cess1 /ˈækses/ noun [uncountable]1MARKETINGthe right to sell goods to a particular market or country without breaking any laws or agreementsaccess toJapan agreed to allow foreign manufacturers of satellite equipment equal access to the Japanese market.2COMPUTINGthe way in which you are able to find information held on a computeraccess toIn order to simplify access to the data, the computer program enables users to specify their own requirements. → direct access3when you are allowed to see official documentsaccess toThe National Union of Teachers has proposed that parents should have access to their children’s files.4the ability to buy a product or make use of a serviceThe move is intended to widen the access to credit.Many poorer residents have no access to health care.5the right to remove money from where it is invested in order to use itPolicyholders often feel more confident if they have access to their funds.accessaccess2 verb [transitive]1COMPUTINGto find information, especially on a computerThe software enables each client to access data from other databases.2to be able to use somethingMany customers now access their accounts using the internet.→ See Verb tableOrigin access1 (1300-1400) Old French acces “arrival”, from Latin accessus “approach”, from accedere; → ACCEDEac·cess1 nounaccess2 verbAccessLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business the place, something, a right use enter Corpus see to




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