

单词 accession
释义  Related topics: Officialsac·ces·sion /əkˈseʃən/ noun  1  [uncountable]PGO an official process in which someone becomes king, queen, president etc 登基,即位;就职 → successionaccession of the accession of James I 詹姆斯一世即位accession to power/to the throne (=the act of becoming king, queen, president etc) 登上权位/王位2. [uncountable] formalAGREE the act of agreeing to a demand 同意3. AV[countable] technical an object or work of art that is added to a collection of objects or paintings 新增藏品Examples from the Corpusaccession• He adds that the line between accession and adhesion is poorly defined.• Aldfrith appears to have been very much on the periphery of Northumbrian dynastic life before his accession.• But in the circumstances of 1483 an immediate accession may have seemed to offer real advantages.• A general right of accession would have created a major inroad into the continuing bilateralism of even multilateral treaties.• Edward II's accession later that year accelerated his rise.ac·ces·sion nounChineseSyllable   becomes Corpus which someone official process king, an in




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