

单词 adulterer
释义  a·dul·ter·er /əˈdʌltərə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  UNFAITHFULsomeone who is married and has sex with someone who is not their wife or husband 通奸者;奸夫;奸妇Examples from the Corpusadulterer• Jefferson was called a traitor, and Andrew Jackson was accused of being a drunken, ignorant adulterer.• It is the sort of hotel that has a skeleton in every closet and a register thick with the pseudonyms of adulterers.• Pre-election talk about cutting off thieves' hands and stoning adulterers is no longer heard.a·dul·ter·er nounChineseSyllable  sex is with has who someone married Corpus someone who and




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