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单词 adultery
释义  a·dul·ter·y /əˈdʌltəri/ noun [uncountable]  UNFAITHFULsex between someone who is married and someone who is not their wife or husband 通奸,私通 She had committed adultery on several occasions. 她数次与人私通。 —adulterous adjectiveExamples from the Corpusadultery• Do you know what Nabokov said about adultery in his lecture on Madame Bovary?• Garth was found guilty of violating a lawful general regulation, indecent assault and adultery, and using indecent language.• Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.• 60% of men admit to committing adultery at some time during their marriages.• She finally left her husband because of his adultery.• Not only was the act of adultery wrong, but even a lustful look.• Why then has the military insisted that adultery is a crime?• But the teaching does treat adultery and divorce with the seriousness it deserves.committed adultery• A trickster who constantly committed adultery - and then left her facing a mountain of debt.• He'd committed adultery with the wife of the local steward - the land agent for the lord of the manor.• Had the woman committed adultery or not? they wondered.Origin adultery (1400-1500) Old French avoutrie, from Latin adulterium, from adulter “adulterer”, from adulterare; → ADULTERATEa·dul·ter·y nounChineseSyllable   Corpus someone who and between someone is sex married




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