

单词 half-sister
释义  Related topics: Familyˈhalf-ˌsister ●●○ noun [countable]  SSFa sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents 同父异母[同母异父]的姐妹 → half-brotherExamples from the Corpushalf-sister• Tut, meanwhile, married his half-sister, Ankhesenamen.• The more substantial is that the justices directed that T.'s contact with her older half-sister should be supervised.• Mrs Aitken, meet Shiona Fergusson, Kirsty's half-sister.• Mitchell rented it from the half-sister of the owner, a schoolteacher gone to Toronto with her three chil-dren.• The bees, they found, were more aggressive towards half-sisters.• Apart from his brother, he had one sister, one half-brother, and two half-sisters.• Mrs Grant invites her younger half-sister Mary Crawford to live with her at the parsonage.ˈhalf-ˌsister nounChineseSyllable  daughter is sister of only who Corpus the a




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