

单词 hiding
释义  Related topics: Sporthid·ing /ˈhaɪdɪŋ/ noun  1  HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE[uncountable] when someone stays somewhere in secret, especially because they have done something illegal or are in danger 〔尤指因犯法或躲避危险的〕藏匿,躲藏be in/go into/come out of hiding He went into hiding in 1973. 1973年他躲了起来。2  [singular] spoken informal a) PUNISHa severe physical punishment 重体罚;痛打 SYN beating You’ll get a good hiding when you come home! 你到家后会挨一顿臭揍的! You’re not too big for a hiding, you know. 要知道,你还小,我还可以揍你。 b) DSWINan occasion when you defeat someone in a sports game 〔体育比赛中的〕打败,击败3. be on a hiding to nothing British English informalWASTE something to be completely wasting your time trying to do something 白白浪费时间,白费功夫Examples from the Corpushiding• I was given a good hiding, which I deserved, but it made no difference.• Then she remained in hiding, refusing to venture out all day.• He dropped it back into hiding just as Bowring saw that it was an axe.• I had to abandon the stall, and went into hiding until I could arrange to leave the country secretly.get a good hiding• She shouldn't run off with any of his old mates or she would get a good hiding when he came home.hid·ing nounChineseSyllable  stays especially secret, because Corpus in somewhere someone when




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