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单词 ageless
释义  age·less /ˈeɪdʒləs/ adjective  1  OLD/NOT NEWnever looking old or old-fashioned 永不显老的;永不过时的 Her face seemed ageless. 她的脸似乎永不显老。2  ALWAYS/FOREVERhaving existed for a very long time and continuing forever 永恒的 SYN timeless the ageless charm of a country kitchen 乡村厨房的永恒魅力 —agelessness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusageless• Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments, and most of the time we are ageless.• She looks utterly fabulous and bizarrely ageless, a perfect cross between a living Sindy doll and the girl next door.• her ageless blue eyes• the ageless fascination of the ocean• Her face seemed ageless in the dim light, and she was stifling shivers.• Yet the ageless question continued to plague us.• The jagged outline of ageless stone suggested the lost, the ancient.• He was eighteen, but he seemed ageless, timeless.• She was an ageless woman, this widow of a sea-captain.age·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  old-fashioned never looking or Corpus old




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