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单词 Reactor
1 They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.
2 Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.
3 A meltdown at the reactor had only just been avoided.
4 Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
5 A huge nuclear reactor now spoils the view .
6 Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.
7 The reactor will be cased in metal.
8 The reactor is encased in concrete and steel.
9 An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
10 A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.
11 Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.
12 The reactor had been operating at full capacity.
13 The Magnox reactor has been shut since February.
14 Contaminated water leaked from the nuclear reactor.
15 The nuclear reactor has been in operation since 1985.
16 This requires reactor temperatures of about 100 million degrees.
17 The effluent from the catalytic reactor is cooled and combined with an aqueous solution of a basic compound.
18 Then another reactor would be needed to, for example, convert ammonia into hydrazine.
19 Cases of leukaemia in the area near the nuclear reactor have risen by a factor of four.
20 Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
21 The fuel was enriched with uranium 235 for the nuclear reactor.
22 For energy, the winners are physics, fusion and the breeder reactor.
23 Britain is actively seeking partners to share the cost of a commercial demonstration nuclear reactor.
24 A single enzyme molecule can make many millions of single isomer product molecules per minute in a chemical reactor.
25 The rest of the fuel assemblies were removed from the reactor.
26 They plan to use a hydraulic jack to lift the assembly up and out of the reactor.
27 Where perfect quality is required, for example in the construction of nuclear reactor plant, then 100% inspection will be applied.
28 Now that there is every reason to believe that we can build a fusion reactor there is growing attention to technology.
29 The Soviet Union also provided a small experimental nuclear reactor, which was sited at Yongbyon.
30 The first was the fact that no full-size commercial reactor had ever been totally decommissioned anywhere in the world to date.
1 They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.
2 Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.
3 A meltdown at the reactor had only just been avoided.
4 Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
5 An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
6 Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
7 A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.
8 Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.
31 Such an option would be far more acceptable to environmentalists than launching even an inert reactor from Earth.
32 Since Pu acts like U, the end result is quite like the low-enriched uranium used as reactor fuel.
33 The thermal energy extracted from the reactor would boil a propellant liquid.
34 The accident, which occurred on August 13, did not involve the release of radiation or damage to the reactor core.
35 It contains a mass of radioactive byproducts spawned during its time in the reactor, some of them extremely hazardous.
36 But this is in a different league from a full-size Pressurized Water Reactor.
37 But if we are using the reactor on unmanned missions only, the mass of shielding required may be very small.
38 The opportunity will be taken to conduct investigations into the recent boiler tube leak in C Quadrant of Reactor 4.
39 A large nuclear reactor will contain hundreds, if not thousands of rods filled with uranium fuel.
40 Discussions of future reactor safety should revolve about two critical issues: nuclear waste disposal and nuclear weapons proliferation.
41 Water is used to conduct heat away from the reactor.
42 Plans include the elimination of the dome over the reactor.
43 Another reactor at the plant was shut down temporarily in early February, leading to the introduction of power cuts.
44 The fusion reaction has in fact technically been achieved at the Princeton Tokomak fusion test reactor which operated successfully for 50 milliseconds.
45 Installation involved hoisting the reactor by crane and gently lowering it into a prefabricated steel structure.
46 Coolant circulating through the reactor thermal energy and carries it away to where it can he safely used.
47 Three young soldiers were killed instantly when an explosion inside the reactor forced it literally through the roof of its housing.
48 It would, however, make the reactor breed plutonium less efficiently.
49 The use of light isotopes in a fusion reactor has been under experimental study since the 1950s.
50 In addition, at least one little owl has been raised on reactor site.
51 But there would be some D-D reactions in a reactor filled with deuterium and helium-3, which do produce neutrons.
52 In 1965 the first advanced gas cooled reactor, Dungeness B, was ordered.
53 It is clear that steps must be taken to prevent reactor disposal of this material from stimulating reprocessing of commercial reactor fuel.
54 The ship also has facilities to handle nuclear reactor testing and repairs.
55 A stream of water is pumped into a hot reactor, where it boils and is heated to very high temperatures.
56 Projects include the Fast-breeder reactor demonstration project and a high temperature gas-cooled reactor.
57 This can be done by means of a simple, well-tested device called a Sabatier reactor.
58 The reactor is widely regarded as the last step before design of commercial fusion reactors.
59 Women leave, afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor.
60 Protests reached their peak in 1977 with the decision to build the 1200 MWe fast breeder reactor at Creys-Malville.
61 It was he who recommended that the fire be extinguished by dropping sand mixed with boron and lead on to the reactor.
62 The plutonium path Plutonium is a by-product of the controlled fission reaction in a nuclear reactor.
63 Additionally the controversial fast breeder and high temperature reactor projects are being re-examined.
64 The reactor has been redesigned to run on low enriched uranium and its capacity upgraded from 5 to 10 megawatts.
65 There are a number of possible choices for the fuel to be used in a fusion reactor.
66 Chernobyl restart One of the three power plants at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor was restarted on Oct. 16.
67 Although no energy was produced this demonstrated the technical possibility of the process and a serious commercial reactor is envisaged by 2020.
68 But rumour is rife that the reactor pot has already been buried.
69 The plant, an older-style, Soviet-designed pressurised water reactor, has been plagued by problems for several years.
70 The largest proportion - about £3.4 billion - had gone on fast reactor research.
71 It claims that operating a reactor at higher temperature, but lower pressure, would strengthen the welds.
72 Perversely, however, wildlife in the area immediately surrounding the Chernobyl reactor appears to be flourishing 14 years after the accident.
73 Operators received lethal doses of radiation while needlessly reconnecting the water supply to the devastated reactor.
74 The dual reactor shutdown commenced on 8 August for essential electrical work.
75 He then entered the reactor compartment and replaced another sailor on the watch.
76 The cooling system broke down, the nuclear reactor overheated, and the plant had to be evacuated.
77 Finally, they were let through an air lock guarded by massive metal doors into the reactor structure.
78 From that point on, the temperature inside the reactor began to rise steadily.
79 S.-built nuclear reactor there, the Department of Energy disclosed Wednesday.
80 The plant's operators decided to shut down the reactor and clean the rods.
81 Sometime this year the North will start unloading and replacing spent fuel from a large reactor at Yongbyon.
82 Plutonium is not found naturally on earth, but it is produced whenever uranium is used in a nuclear reactor.
83 Peron gave him Huemmel Island, in a lake in the foothills of the Andes, to build the reactor.
84 One advantage of a rectangular reactor building will be a much simpler overhead crane.
85 The type of accident considered involves the reactor safety features that control the cooling and running of the reactor.
86 The first reactor was closed down for repairs earlier this year after a gas leak.
87 The reactor core erupted in a gigantic explosion, spewing enormous amounts of heat and disintegrated radioactive fuel into the atmosphere.
88 The government attributes this to the improvements in efficiency achieved during the course of the country's intensive reactor building programme.
89 Fresh hydrogen gas is charged to the inlet of the reactor to balance consumption.
90 There's even a terrifying, bleakly humorous description of the state of Kinshasa's one nuclear reactor.
91 After all, a large fast reactor could cost not much less than £2000 million to build.
92 The nuclear reactor which propels the submarine was not damaged, he added.
93 Luckily, the reactor was turned back on before the submarine imploded from the pressure of being beyond its maximum design depth.
94 Finally, there would remain a central core containing the reactor building itself.
95 The temperature must be uniform in every area of the reactor.
96 The gas phase is recycled to the reactor inlet to provide a large excess of hydrogen gas in the catalytic reaction zone.
97 During the last 30 years there have been 12 accidents around the world that have caused serious damage to a reactor core.
98 The penalty for using a reactor is that we must carry the weight of the reactor and its associated radiation shielding.
99 After reactor performance improvements of approximately a factor of one trillion, the break-even point is now in sight.
100 The tightening up of safety standards at nuclear power plants inevitably followed the reactor accidents.
101 Neutrons from any nuclear reactor can be used, either intentionally or inadvertently, to make heavy isotopes of almost any element.
102 Recent reactor accidents have caused a marked slowdown in the installation of nuclear power stations.
103 The first is the need to demonstrate operation well above the break-even point in a fusion reactor.
104 Whether this concern can prevent another Chernobyl-type nuclear reactor disaster remains to be seen.
105 Twelve channels of the reactor were refuelled before the outage began and then the fuel route was taken out of service immediately.
106 The largest fast breeder reactor in the world is the Superphenix plant at Creys-Malville on the French/Swiss border.
107 Inside the plant, levels of radiation in the abandoned reactor building rose to many times the lethal level.
108 The plant affected, a 500,000 kilowatt pressurized light water reactor, began operation in 1972.
109 The nuclear accident at Chernobyl affected this country even though we are hundreds of miles from the reactor.
110 Millstone has removed all the radioactive fuel in the reactor to permit repairs.
111 The reactor is on a list of more than 100 possible terror attack scenarios for which security forces have been planning.
112 Objectors at the Sizewell pressurised water reactor inquiry will make this very point.
113 Manufacture is now proceeding and the equipment will be ready for installation on Reactor 2 in May 1993.
114 That would prompt a costly cleanup and incalculable delay in restarting the reactor.
115 To protect power station workers from this invisible threat the reactor core has to be encased behind many metres of thick concrete.
116 Radioactivity is induced in the metallic containment vessel that surrounds a reactor core by neutrons that escape from the core.
117 The second incident occurred when Reactor 3 shut down automatically on November 15.
118 Uranium prices had slumped. New reactor orders were virtually non-existent.
119 This was a crude nuclear reactor whose job was simply to produce plutonium for the manufacture of atomic bombs.
120 The reactor is cased in several feet of metal and concrete.
121 In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
122 Leaks in primary circuits distributing heat from the reactor core would be uncontrollable, leading to a core meltdown.
123 Palo Verde officials plan to remove a stuck radioactive-fuel assembly in the Unit 2 reactor late Tuesday or Wednesday.
124 They will also have developed a new technique for controlling reactions within a fusion reactor.
125 The effect of the burning power cables was to send much of the instrumentation around the reactor into confusion.
126 The entire operation will use remote devices in the boron-rich water that keeps the reactor fuel from overheating.
127 In Britain at least we have spent two decades arguing about what type of nuclear reactor to build.
128 The atomic reactor used a gas coolant.
129 Further reactor and nuclear rocket development occurred under NERVA.
130 the core of a nuclear reactor.
131 The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.
132 The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.
133 The paper presents the thermocouple penetration assemblies of 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor(HTR- 10).
134 In order to solve these defects, we put forward microwave chemistry reactor made of groove waveguide resonator, and we do a lot of studies.
135 This paper introduces a simple design philosophy of ethylene oxide reactor at specific conditions.
136 The Precipitator of Fluid Film Type is developed for the determination of fuel element cladding failure of water-cooled reactor.
137 Movable - core high leakage reactance transformer, single - phase bridges rectifying and reactor serial structure for main circuit.
138 The results show that the new fluid nitriding process, which the key component is the fluid bed reactor, could make synthesis condition assuasive , low cost and good effect.
139 To tackle the key problems, the target is oxidation reactor, the hydrogenated purifier, crystallizer and solvent dehydrator.
140 In a major and welcomed development, Russia announced that it will close its last weapons-grade plutonium production reactor.
141 The reaction conditions of supported heteropoly acid catalyst was examined in a fixed - bed reactor.
142 Capacitors, Filter Cloth, Filter Industrial Capacitor, AC Reactor, Power Meter.
143 He said an international organization responsible for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) will be set up on October 24.
144 As increasing of heavy oil component in raw oil and rising of light oil yield(http://), this result in stricter requirement for lift pipe reactor of oil refining unit.
145 The diagram of the reactor vessel internals is used as a reference.
146 Said invention adopts microwave method, and utilizes quartz tube thermal reactor into which the high-pure nitrogen gas can be charged so as to ensure carbonization process condition.
147 At present, most of the thyristor-controlled reactor(TCR) type static var compensators(SVCs) use open-loop control mode as compensation for the three-phase unbalanced load device.
148 Requirement analysis and architecture of data communication system for integral reactor.
149 Moreover, new structures of the riser reactor ends can also suppress the coke deposit on the FCC unit so that the on-stream period of the unit can be prolonged.
150 The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower, cyclone separator, biochemical reactor, exsiccator , fluidized bed, heat exchanger are reviewed.
151 A new hybrid supervised learning control scheme is presented for continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR ) systems.
152 A new kind of an active reactor with continuous adjustable inductance and resistance is studied based on the magnetic flux control theory in this paper.
153 Courses of study include technical physics, technical mathematics, nuclear reactor theory, nuclear criticality training, and reactor simulator training.
154 This power, or fluid catalyst, is continuously circulated between the reactor and the regenerator, using air, oil vapor, and steam as the conveying media.
155 In this paper the optimal design problem of the diffusion-fission cross section for a dynamical reactor is considered on the basis of the simple energy static diffusion approximation equation.
156 The core of a nuclear reactor operates at about 550 degrees Fahrenheit, well below the temperature of a coal furnace and only slightly hotter than a kitchen oven.
157 A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given.
158 Air should leak into an atomic reactor and then leak out again.
159 The pressurizer is a very important device which controls the system pressure in pressurized water reactor ( PWR ).
160 The performance of the micro chemical reactor was evaluated by the mixing-reaction experiments of sodium hydroxide solution with phenolphthalein solution.
161 Decolorization of the IDS in the plasma chemistry reactor packed with dielectric packing is a pseudo first-order reaction.
162 The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction the intact reactor is practicable.
163 a cutaway picture of the inside of a nuclear reactor.
164 The design method of primary process pipeline and its notices were introduced in CCR reactor and generator frame area.
165 Now the next slide gives you a simple version of a boiling water reactor, a schematic.
166 The transactor thellonks activating the atomic interaction in the reactor is practicable.
167 The synthesis ofm—Cresol from o—toluic acid by air oxidation was studied in a 1 liter reactor under vigorous stirring conditions in order to eliminate film resistances.
168 The characteristics of pilot-scale membrane sequencing batch reactor (MSBR) treating synthetic wastewater were studied.
169 The pulse flow is induced in a downflow boiling point reactor by vaporization of a portion of the liquid feed at proper conditions.
170 It is also feasible to adopt the adiabatic fixed-bed reactor and the techniques of multistage reactions and interstage cooling.
171 In addition, Tin Wan expansion and demonstration fast breeder reactor project made important progress, March 23, 2010, China and Russia signed a framework contract extension Tin.
172 A correlation for predicting critical steam quality is derived, it can be recommended to be used for the design of steam generator of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor(HTGR).
173 Four U.S. nuclear reactor vendors competed aggressively for new orders.
173 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
174 The natural circulation ability of PWR (pressurized water reactor) coolant system is one of inherent safeties of this kind NPP (nuclear power plant).
175 Radiation is feared to have leaked after a container vessel suffered damage at the No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on Tuesday morning, Kyodo reported.
176 In order to ensure spherical fuel elements to transport reliably in 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTR-10), the method of pneumatic post is utilized.
177 Fully inserted into the reactor, the control rods halt the chain reaction.
178 This paper describes the purpose, requirement, device, test process and results of longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism hot life test for Advance pressurized water reactor(APWR).
179 The analytical solutions for these reactor models are shown to agree very well with the numerical solutions to the exact differential equations.
180 The control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) is one of the key equipment related to reactor normal operation, safety and reliability.
181 Through performing for two years, approach on the design, effective control and operating management of acidulating reactor and oxidation reactor have been con...
182 A data measuring and acquiring system was designed on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the steam generator's stability for 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor.
183 A report on state-run Iranian radio today also suggested that Tehran accepted the principle of exchanging its LEU for more highly enriched reactor fuel from abroad.
184 The successful operation of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bianket(UASB) reactor depends on the granulation of anaerobic sludge.
185 And the list is; reactor vessel integrity which as you probably realise now is reactor vessel embrittlement, pressurised water sump pump performance, we'll look at that.
186 The demineralized (De-ash) and de-pyrite (Dep) raw Yima coal was pyrolyzed in a fluidized-bed reactor in inert atmosphere to examine the sulfur removal efficiency.
187 This paper proposes a novel principle of segregated phase current differential protection in UHV long distance transmission line with shunt reactor installed in the middle segment.
188 The aluminium oxide in Kaolinite is leached in hydrochloric acid which is the foundational reaction to produce poly-aluminium chloride. In general, batch reactor is adopted in the reaction.
189 In standard conditions, the effects of suspended activated carbon particles in gas-liquid series electrical discharge reactor were evaluated for the degradation of organic contaminants.
190 A method which is similar to standard method determining clinkering property of coal expect using pressurized combustion reactor is demonstrated.
191 Because Helium is used as coolant in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR), the change of tribological properties of HTGR structure component under Helium is a big problem.
192 A magnetically stabilized bed reactor with amorphous NiREP alloy catalyst was used for the hydrogenation of light reformate to produce reformulated gasoline(RFG).
193 Various factors leading to the reactor failure were analyzed and discussed and safeguard of hot-wall hydroprocessing reactor was explored in respect of production management.
194 With the parameters of a real dry-type air-core reactor, the emulation analysis verifies that the impulse-voltage method is suitable to test its turn-to-turn insulation.
195 The self-made multi-needle-mesh reactor was adopted in this study, and benzene and m-xylene were selected as the target pollutants.
196 Short rod bacteria and spirillum were dominant in the denitrifying reactor. While cocci were the dominant bacteria in the nitrifying reactor.
197 However, if the goal is to design and fabricate a cold fusion reactor in one year, your job of designing a system for measuring performance will be much more difficult.
198 Lithium - contained materials are often used as tritium breeders in the fusion reactor or fusion - fission reactor.
199 Once we figure out something like a portable fusion reactor, you'll see what we can do!
200 The application of catalytic distillation reactor in benzene alkylation process is presented.
201 That reactor, Unit 4, had been shut down before the quake for maintenance.
202 The experimental study has been done - gravimetric analyzerand in a laboratory scale tubular furnace reactor, respectively.
203 How likely is the potential nuclear reactor meltdown in China Syndrome (Jane Fonda,(Sentence dictionary) Jack Lemmon)?
204 The study has significant academic value for research of advanced space fast reactor and engineering application.
205 The technics of biological desulfurization was studied using fictile as bacterium's carrier and using biotrickling filter as biological reactor.
206 Before the water reactor - enters the main system at the overflow, it runs through a phosphate reactor.
207 The research concerns in the technical parameters of supercritical direct current steam generator used in modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTR).
208 The reactor building is an outer shell that is supposed to keep the weather out, but nothing in.
209 The Energy Secretary hopes to bring on line a safer new tritium production reactor.
210 A brief account is given of the start-up and preliminary operation results of a low-pressure vertical water-cooled methanol reactor.
211 The first Dorr - Oliver single - tank reactor installation was based on a small - scale pilot - plant study done in 1959.
212 As parallel running of shunt-excited generators with double-wound reactor, a serious oscillation problem is faced.
213 This thesis describes the field erection process of the loop reactor and the assembly welding method of a pair of the axial-flow pump flanges.
214 New types of reactors were designed, including the Fast Breeder reactor powered by plutonium and cooled by liquid sodium.
215 A perfectly stirred reactor model was adopted for its combustion chamber; and the steady quasi-1D isentropic flow was used for the nozzle flow.
216 On Thursday morning, Japan's Self-Defense Forces started dumping water from a helicopter on reactor No. 3, making four passes. They planned to do the same for No. 4 sometime Thursday.
217 In our implementation, we trust every host key and simply give control back to the asynchronous reactor core by returning a defer.succeed object.
218 During those hours radioactive xenon gas built up in the reactor.
219 Its main idea is to use controllable reactor to adjust inductance continuously, so to keep filter working around resonance point.
220 This paper studies the output characteristics of high voltage pulser (pluse width 100ns) with the load of plasma reactor.
221 The harmonic losses, circulating current loss, eddy losses of the coils and eddy losses of the spider arms are calculated . The second harmonic losses of reactor are separated at last.
222 And a shock will probably appear at the pellet surface under the fusion reactor plasma condition.
223 Fig . 2. Two reactor design for ammoxidation of propene. Completeseparation of air and propene plus ammonia.
224 The diameter of a fixed-bed adiabatic reactor, height of catalyst bed and catalyst loading were calculated by using Runge-Kutta numerical solution method.
225 The essential principle and implementation of the bi directional detector for Fuel Handling System (FHS) in 10MW High Temperature gas cooled Reactor (HTR 10) are presented.
226 For residue hydrocracking development, the fixed bed reactor is more suitable in recent years.
227 The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower, cyclone separator, biochemical reactor, exsiccator, fluidized b...
228 A coupled magnetic - circuit - fluid thermal finite element model is proposed for thermal analysis of dry - type air-core reactor.
229 Water, acrylonitrile and the galactomannan gum are added to a reactor with an alkali metal hydroxide.
230 Scientists working at the reactor will test nuclear fusion technologies.
231 The CSTR reactor was not a biohydrogen production reactor suitable for anaerobic treatment of milk wastewater.
232 That case, commonly referred to as the SIPI decision, involved the AEC's breeder reactor program.
233 So if you're reactor is on the scale of meters the neutron length scales, it looks like a thermal neutron, is in the order of a tenth of a meter.
233 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
234 France is also to supply a nuclear reactor to Libya.
235 Professor Wu Ran last month published research on thermal breeder reactor energy yields from a variety of fuels.
236 A reactor facility has been specially designed for that purpose.
237 It has also destroyed the cooling tower at its reactor at Yongbyon.
238 However, he added, at this speed they will be generating more heat per cubic centimetre than a nuclear reactor.
239 The utility model relates to an iron core reactor of new structure used for reactive-load compensation of the electrical power system.
240 According to Xu, a fast reactor can more completely burn or transmute nucleuses and shorten the period of radioactive decay to less than 400 years, which makes it easier to dispose of waste.
241 In this paper, the causes of some typical faults of a certain reactor control rod drive line and their mechanism are analyzed, and the measures for troble removal are proposed.
242 The preliminary analysis showed that the LCFBR was a safe and feasible fast breeder reactor.
243 Thus the operation safety is ensured and sensitivity increased; added UPS as backup power supply ensures safe shutdown and the indication of the reactor power at reactor shutdown.
244 An approximate expression for calculation the conversion at reactor outlet X_A is also derived.
245 Reactor transients, rupture of the primary piping, steam line breaks, loss of flows and so forth.




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