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单词 Solicitor
1 It might be sensible to get a solicitor.
2 There will be no court duty solicitor today.
3 She went to see a solicitor off her own bat.
4 My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible.
5 Consult a solicitor who is personally recommended to you.
6 Put the matter in the hands of a solicitor.
7 My mother is a solicitor.
8 My solicitor will brief the senior counsel.
9 His solicitor drew up the will.
10 We'd better tie up the details with a solicitor.
11 Appoint a solicitor to act on your behalf.
12 My solicitor is no longer in practice.
13 The solicitor refused to act against his client's interests.
14 Have you been onto the solicitor yet?
15 The solicitor was accused of professional negligence.
16 He was initially articled to a solicitor.
17 A solicitor was charged with administering the estate.
18 My solicitor is drawing up the contract.
19 Do you have a solicitor acting for you?
20 You need to see a solicitor.
21 I think my solicitor gave me the wrong advice.
22 Our solicitor holds our wills.
23 Write to him care of his solicitor.
24 We were badly advised by our solicitor.
25 The solicitor came to serve a writ on him.
26 Her solicitor is one John Wintersgill.
27 I'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow.
28 The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case.
29 She practised as a solicitor for many years.
30 The documents were all in the safe keeping of the family solicitor, and would remain so until her death.
1 It might be sensible to get a solicitor.
2 There will be no court duty solicitor today.
3 The documents were all in the safe keeping of the family solicitor, and would remain so until her death.
4 She went to see a solicitor off her own bat.
5 My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible.
6 The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case.
31 Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
32 I think you should seek guidance from your solicitor on this matter.
33 During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.
34 Lee's solicitor said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.
35 In my judgment, we should let the solicitor deal with this.
36 The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother's will.
37 The best way of finding a solicitor is through personal recommendation.
38 You should lodge a copy of the letter with your solicitor.
39 A solicitor can give you disinterested advice. However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect.
40 The solicitor was accused of a breach of professional etiquette.
41 Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case against the county council.
42 She is still a practising solicitor at the age of sixty-two.
43 Be sure to lodge a copy of the contract with your solicitor.
44 I will instruct my solicitor to proceed with the preparation of draft contracts.
45 Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.
46 A solicitor advised him as to the disposition of the money.
47 Her will was drawn up by a solicitor and witnessed by two colleagues.
48 A solicitor will help you navigate the complex legal system.
49 My solicitor charges a flat fee for handling the sale of a house.
50 A solicitor who insulted two officials from the Law Society was struck off for abusive behaviour.
51 His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt.
52 Her solicitor entered a plea of guilty on her behalf.
53 The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.
54 I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer.
55 A solicitor can advise on how you should act.
56 Many solicitor respondents disagreed vehemently with this view.
57 The fourth was town clerk, solicitor J. F. Cooper.
58 Karen Davies, solicitor, for the guardian ad litem.
59 But the Official Solicitor immediately launched an appeal.
60 The defence solicitor, Jack Gowans, said Ballantine has a drink problem but is a kind, intelligent and caring man.
61 The people who had put her in such a tizzy were a solicitor, a computer analyst and some one in advertising.
62 Once admitted, the solicitor is required to maintain a practising certificate, for which a substantial annual fee is charged.
63 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients.
64 Working in a manufacturing company, or as a solicitor or chartered accountant gives invaluable experience.
65 The role of a solicitor is to provide clients with skilled legal advice and representation on all legal matters.
66 Compounding the problem were proposals to remove asylum seekers right of access to a solicitor under the legal aid scheme.
67 The solicitor guaranteed they would receive payment for their labours as though the Putts were still alive.
68 Legal aid - a solicitor can advise if you qualify, and apply on your behalf.
69 The Burford solicitor had confirmed what Jacob Brailey had told Seb.
70 For potential solicitors the apprenticeship to an experienced solicitor in the form of articles of clerkship performs the same function.
71 If necessary, the solicitor may seek the advice of counsel but this may be difficult because of the financial limits imposed.
72 You will need to tell your mum to consult a solicitor if she now wishes to obtain a divorce.
73 His mind concentrated itself on Tolby's footsteps which were slightly uneven, as if the solicitor had a slight limp.
74 Mr Bell said he had consulted his solicitor about the matter.
75 Eligibility is determined by a means test administered by the solicitor and based upon assessment of disposable income and capital.
76 There will be a delay before the case proceeds while his solicitor finds out more information about the alleged incident.
77 She had been expecting a lift which failed to materialise, defending solicitor Mark Blundell told the court.
78 Clients bring many issues to the solicitor, expressed and constituted in terms of a variety of everyday discourses.
79 Where a guardian ad litem has been appointed the solicitor must take instructions from the guardian.
79 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
80 Much to William Pitt's disgust Cator sold the bond by public auction to a solicitor called Yates.
81 Best to let Mr Surkov see the duty solicitor on legal aid.
82 He was educated at Clifton College, Bristol, and in 1883 became for three years articled clerk to a London solicitor.
83 The fourth defendant, T., who was unconscious, was represented by the Official Solicitor as guardian ad litem.
84 Leasehold properties - flats in particular are often leasehold, involving detailed terms and conditions which a solicitor will check.
85 His solicitor asked that he be allowed out on bail.
86 But it appears also to exclude the limitations imposed by a solicitor and own client taxation.
87 The sheriff demanded to know how the solicitor had got hold of a confidential social inquiry report.
88 It was at this time that the wellknown property mover and solicitor Noel Smyth appointed nominees to the board of Chestvale.
89 On both occasions the solicitor had acted without authority and the transactions were frauds on the bank.
90 After Completion - the solicitor registers the title and pays stamp duty where applicable on your behalf.
91 The guardian must continue to perform his other duties but can not give instructions to the child's solicitor.
92 The solicitor should look at the notes, as well as the medical expert, and keep copies on file.
93 The very next day I saw a solicitor and filed for divorce.
94 Ruby's solicitor has dealt with a number of asbestos cases connected with the Swindon Works.
95 Any problems with drains should be regarded as a major defect and the details passed on to your solicitor.
96 If in doubt, consult an accountant or solicitor who will help you work out the various after-tax and other angles.
97 Mr Surkov would get the chance of seeing the duty solicitor.
98 Before starting to buy a house or flat or signing a private tenancy agreement you are advised to consult a solicitor.
99 It is envisaged that the wife and the new husband will have a solicitor who acts for both of them.
100 Instead, off her own bat, the girl went to see a solicitor in Newton Abbott, Devon.
101 He felt that civil engineering was unladylike, that she should become a solicitor or an accountant.
102 Should a solicitor deviate from the rules of conduct then sanctions can be imposed by the profession.
103 You are strongly advised to consult a solicitor without delay to act for you in your appeal.
104 She took on the alias in a bid to avoid publicity when dealing with her solicitor Paul Butner.
105 This will help you to work in any type of authority following your admission as a solicitor.
106 A solicitor is required to obtain authority to use the green form scheme in such proceedings.
107 On 20 March 1989 papers were served on him and he then consulted a solicitor for the first time.
108 But the solicitor for the three cleared men says he doubts a civil action would have succeeded.
109 His solicitor said he was suffering from an acute nervous breakdown.
110 But do not make one without the advice of a solicitor.
111 In an appropriate case a bank will require a mortgage to be explained by a solicitor to the borrower. 7.
112 Given that these defendants are unlikely to know the names of solicitors the responsibility for acting quickly settles on the duty solicitor.
113 Your solicitor can also advise you on questions relating to equal pay.
114 The position is different in so far as it affects the duty solicitor scheme.
115 However, a solicitor is unlikely to be able to concentrate on advocacy as a barrister can.
116 The child's solicitor must serve and accept service of documents on the child's behalf where there is no guardian.
117 You may have received this leaflet directly from a solicitor.
118 Not every person who presents himself as the duty solicitor is competent to handle criminal matters.
119 A solicitor can advise on whether capital gains tax is payable, and on ways of minimising liability.
120 The court was packed throughout the day-long hearing, and Sonia Sutcliffe sat alongside her solicitor carefully taking notes on a clipboard.
121 She withdrew because her case has been taken over by the local authority, her solicitor Alistair Babbington said.
122 A solicitor or accountant can act as an Executor if you so wish.
123 Thus, their solicitor drew up a document detailing joint responsibility for communal maintenance of roofs, courtyards and external paintwork.
124 Her solicitor says it's the most appalling accident he's ever had to deal with.
125 In setting out general guidelines for a solicitor negotiating on behalf of a plaintiff, Pritchard counsels caution.
126 A solicitor is an independent legal adviser who may be able to help you through the apparent maze of new laws.
127 The documentation for this type of arrangement should be drawn up by a solicitor experienced in such matters.
128 In the meantime, the solicitor intended administering the estate on behalf of the family.
129 Middlesbrough solicitor Bernard Ridsdale-Tombling is charged with 16 offences of falsifying records and obtaining by deception.
130 Are you going to use your local agents or staff, a debt collector, a solicitor, political pressure or what?
131 The scramble to redistribute existing resources and clients provides the conditions for the development of schemes such as the duty solicitor.
132 The Commissioner supported the application and a solicitor was appointed.
133 But Tunstall's solicitor told the court the crimes were an uncharacteristic blemish on an otherwise clean record.
134 Listed below are some of the reasons for choosing a career as a solicitor in this area.
135 It is possible therefore for the court to appoint a solicitor even though a guardian has been appointed.
136 A solicitor will advise on the different reliefs and allowances which may be available.
137 If you consult a Solicitor, making a will is a simple procedure.
138 There will also be no court duty solicitor today and throughout the week.
139 Where the court has appointed a solicitor the guardian ad litem may apply for termination of his appointment.
140 At the end of your training contract you may apply for admission as a solicitor.
141 A solicitor can represent parents and children at care proceedings, and advise on, eg,(http:///solicitor.html) contact with children in care.
142 He returned to Carriacou and qualified as a solicitor through a London University correspondence course.
143 Don't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker.
144 The client's uncanny intrusion started the solicitor stuttering.
145 The documents are in the custody of my solicitor.
146 I'll have to contact my solicitor.
147 I suppose you saw a lot of human nature as a solicitor.
148 Barrister, solicitor, judge, priest, doctor, member of parliament, people who are insane are among the category of people disqualify from being juror.
149 I returned home to Sussex and have since worked as a solicitor.
150 Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case county council.
151 The detection of libels was entrusted to the Solicitor to the Treasury.
152 She promised Cassio that she should be his solicitor with her lord.
153 The relationship between solicitor and client is a contractual one.




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